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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

More Dollar For You

in More Language:
Flixya in, you can write a blog with your own style, and every blog you see any posts, it will increase your adsense page Impression, it is possible for the ads you see the higher, that is the excess flixya .. you can also upload videos, photos and galleries, and all of that land can be a money immediately ... flixya own account, through this blog .. you know since I joined, page impression and my adsense income increased sharply.
If in your Friendster and Facebook is not paid, but if the flixya ... You will be paid 100% ... Because Flixya with Google Adsense
Germany :
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Spain :
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Se nel tuo Friendster e Facebook non è pagato, ma, se la flixya ... Sarai pagato al 100% ... Perché Flixya con Google Adsense

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That this is still a company with Google, if you list here, the member can use adsense account to increase revenue by 100% will be owned by PTC member. for Join Click Here
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Monday, March 30, 2009

Time to make money on flixya.com

Hii All now I am going to show you how you can make money on www.flixya.com. You’ll write articles and your ads will make the money for you.

This is something I have tried and it's not a scam. I am currently making money from this site.
This is the Instructions
Things You’ll Need:
• Time
• A google adsense account
Sign up for a flixya.com account click here to join
Now Following this Steps
www.flixya.com is a site where you write a blog or an article, upload photos and videos; basically socialize with everyone. We all do this on myspace.com, facebook.com and other sites. However, the positive thing about fixya.com is you’ll be making Money from the ads placed on your profile.
You will be receiving 100% of the revenues from the clicks around your articles, blogs, photos, videos, etc. Now, come on who wouldn’t want to make some extra cash? Especially if you love writing, like I do, then you will be doing something you enjoy and most likely do often anyways for free. Except this time you’ll be getting paid for it.
Now, the question is who pays you? Google adsense is your answer. You can sign up for a google adsense account here: http://walkaboutangel.googlepages.com/googlestuff
Then once you sign up you will be giving a pub number, which you will use on flixya.com.
Once you have everything set up, you’ll be making money by the clicks you get to the google ads in your profile. The way to get clicks to your ads is to write articles or blogs and then promote them so that you can drive traffic to your ads. Trust me, it’s a lot easier than it sounds.

Check out my profile on flixya.com Click In Here and contact me for more details

Introduce : Flixya

Whether you enjoy writing a blog (an online journal), publishing your own home videos or uploading pictures--you are sure to find something to keep you busy on a website called Flixya. Gone are the days of holding an audience captive to watch your home movies. The Internet as well as Flixya gives you a whole new way to display your movies and blogs.

This is the Instructions


Register for a free Flixya account using the link in resources which follows this article. Start on the right hand side of your computer screen by clicking the "sign up" button or you can Click "IN HERE"


Pick a Flixya username and password that has not already been taken. It is important that the username you pick will be both meaningful and significant for you. Recall this information to use your Flixya account in the future. You can use your first and last name, they will not be displayed on the website without your permission. Enter the text to verify that you are indeed human. Click the "start now" button on your screen to verify your information on the Flixya website.



Confirm your Flixya account in your email if you are asked. You should be ready to download or blog whenever you wish. Click the Flixya login button to get started. Enter your unique Flixya username and password.


If you want to upload a video to Flixya, click "Upload Videos" and follow the on-screen prompts. If your file is too large or the format is not acceptable, you will have to modify or choose another before uploading. You will be prompted to download "video egg" free software to assist the upload process.



To upload photos to Flixya, click the "Upload Photos" and follow the on screen directions. JPEG or JPG is the most common format. Locate the desired photos, usually found in my pictures inside of the my documents folder on your computer.
Wait for them to upload and display on Flixya. Blog or write a caption if you wish.
Use Flixya to display your online scrapbook. Include a few photos of yourself or profile photo for your Flixya activity.


Find friends on Flixya that will view your items or invite friends from your email address book. Click "browse and find friends." If you post interesting photos, videos and blog topics, more will come and see your offerings. Do not forget to visit your Flixya friends frequently so they may comment on your profile in return.

Tips & Warnings for you all

  • You should already have a Google Adsense Account to maximize the potential of Flixya. If you do not have one, a sign up link can be found below.
  • Practice using the features until you are comfortable.
  • Do not be afraid to use the help or FAQ section for assistance.
  • Flixya accounts are free.
  • The more interaction you have, the more fun flixya becomes.
  • Do not upload any copyrighted material or material you do not have rights to.
  • Do not post inappropriate material.
  • Do not click on your own ads or have your friends click on them.
  • Acceptable formats will be displayed for you in the case your videos is not in the proper format on Flixya.

Walk Safely at Night

Steps you can take to improve your safety when walking at night.
this ih the steps
1. Be inconspicuous when walking or cycling at night-time.
2. Wear clothing that would not draw attention to yourself unless cycling. When cycling at night reflective clothing and lights are necessary in order to be visible to automobile traffic.
3. Stick to well-lit and heavily traveled streets, such as town centers.
4. Walk or cycle without hesitation. If you look confident you are less likely to attract unwanted attention.
5. Have a little bottle of pepper spray or some kind of defense weapon with you and be able to access it easily.

Some tips
* Do not walk with your CD player, Walkman, or mp3 player playing. If you absolutely must listen to your music, turn it to a low volume so that you can listen for footsteps behind you. Also consider playing it in one ear, leaving the other one free to listen.
* If possible tell someone where you are going and when you will be back.
* Keep your mobile phone switched on and within easy reach in case of emergencies.


* Stay out of the road at night.
* Walk safely off the road and clear of any traffic.
* Avoid deserted parks and alleyways; even if this means taking a longer, but safer, route home.
* Use your neck like an owl would. Always check your surroundings for danger as you walk at night.
* Do not walk or cycle whilst chatting to a friend on your mobile phone. You must keep your wits about you.
* Check the policy for your country/state before buying pepper spray, since it is illegal in some places.
* Don't cycle at night when drunk, or even in daytime, your reactions are considerably slower under the influence.
* Many people, despite believing they can, can't hear someone sneaking behind them when listening to music
* Wearing anything on your ears makes you a more likely target, as a predator is likely to think you will be easy to sneak up on.
* If you do use a self defense weapon, make sure that you have been trained to use it.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Protect Yourself from Someone Who Wants Revenge

Okay, you've made somebody mad at some point. We all have. Some people let it roll off their shoulders, others vow revenge until their dying breath. This how-to will help you protect yourself from the latter.
Try This Steps
1. Try to be a decent person in the first place, so that people won't be inclined to seek revenge on you. If you are not a jerk, for the most part, you will not make enemies. Don't do things that will offend people. Don't call a random heavy person a "fatty" in Wal-Mart. Don't relentlessly tease the kid with glasses at your high school or college. Don't be rude to customer service employees, especially cashiers (They can easily track you, because all they have to do is make you show an ID with a credit card or check, and there is nothing you can do about it if you want to pay by a method other than cash).
2. Notify the police if you are certain that someone is trying to take revenge on you. Be sure they are attempting before you do this. False police reports are illegal.
3. Contact authorities even if someone harasses you, you always have the option of contacting the police, even if they have blackmailed you.
4. Get Caller ID for your phone if you do not already have it. Block any numbers which give you wakeup calls at 3AM (yes, people have been known to abuse the wakeup call services online for just this purpose).

Some Tips For You
* Try to make things right with any person who believes you have wronged them. For example, if you have insulted someone, apologize to him or her the next time you see them. If you destroyed someone's property, offer to fix it at your own expense. You would be surprised at how far "little things" like these would go in keeping someone from taking revenge out on you.
* Consider buying a gun or a noisy dog. If the enemy is the type who will try to break into your house and kill you in your sleep, you want some sort of home defense.


* Some people will still try to get revenge, or get more than they deserve from you, even if you do your very best to make things right.
* If you ever are rude to someone, do what you can to prevent them from getting your license plate number. The internet is full of paid search sites where someone can pay a small fee to look up your license plate to find out where you live.
* You may not be forgiven even if you try to make things right. Move on, and take the other steps to protect yourself.
* If you contact the police, you may find that your "enemy" has already figured out a way to get them on his side.
* Don't open unexpected packages from foreign countries, especially from the Netherlands. Packages from the Netherlands could contain drugs (and your enemy may have already reported you for drugs anonymously.)
* Don't go on the attack without being sure someone really is out to get you.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Deal With Too Much Stress

Do you ever get really stressed out? Well, here are a few ways to deal with stress and make it go away the easiest way.
Try This Steps
1. First of all try setting up a relaxed environment for yourself such as your room, a park, or any other place that makes you feel calm
2. Try listening to a favorite song, or watch a movie that you think that would calm you down
3. Think about all the things that are making you stressed and try seeing them in a better light.
4. If it's a problem like a fight with your friends, or parents or anything else social try talking to the person. once you solve the problem with them you'll feel like the weight is off your chest.
5. Take a walk out in the fresh air. walk down the street, or even with your dog in the park. a lot of times walking relaxes your body and gives you time to just think over things.
6. If your stress is a result of too many things to like homework, after school activities, work, try organizing things and a day schedule.
7. Try sleeping more or taking a vacation for even just one day

Try avoiding things that you know that might tic you off or make you stressed

* Learning how to deal with stress positively takes times. There are many negative ways to deal with stress such as use drugs or alcohol, or breaking things, but these have serious consequences such as health problems, addiction , and legal problems.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Emotionally and Physically Protect Yourself

Prevention is better than cure, so try to never let people attack you in the first place.
try this steps
1. Don't let people walk all over you. Don't be rude to people for no reason, but don't laugh it off if someone does something mean to you. That only tells them it's okay to do it again. Be able to stand your ground.
2. In the event that you get a crush on someone, try to avoid long, passionate love notes. These usually tend to scare people away and give them the impression that you have an obsessive personality. Instead, consider writing a brief note, such as, "I think you're really cute and I like you, do you want to go hang out some time?"
3. Always be on guard. There can be some real jerks in school. People may be targeting you.
4. Don't put complete trust in all of your friends. When you're in school, the social group that you're with will probably change. Don't completely cut yourself off from your closest friends completely, but be careful. If you have a friend that you hang out with sometimes, but aren't really close with, don't tell her anything that you wouldn't want the whole school knowing. If you have a friend that likes to talk behind their other friend's backs, keep in mind that she can be talking about you behind your own back, too.
5. Stay on top of your homework. Despite its boredom and tedium, it really is better for you in the long run. You won't need to repeat semesters (or even entire grade levels) if you can stay on top of your work.
6. Don't leave your things laying around in front of other teenagers, especially if they have really personal things in them [i.e. your purse]. There are some people who will dig through your stuff the very moment that your back is turned and read whatever they find.
7. Don't be persuaded into doing something that you don't feel comfortable with. If you're at a friend's house and everyone is having a drink, but you don't want to, that's okay. I've been there, and believe me, getting drunk and waking up the next morning remembering all the things you did is NOT fun. Not only that, but it takes a teenager just two months of regular drinking to do permanent liver damage. It takes an adult ten years.
8. 'If you're at a party, don't accept a drink from someone else. Don't leave your drink unattended. Someone could slip something into it and you would never know (the 'date rape' drug is completely tasteless). If you're going to drink, please don't do it at parties. If you get drunk enough, you're leaving yourself very vulnerable to all kinds of things. If you don't think you can gracefully say no to a drink if offered, just carry a cup with water in it.
9. Don't get into cars with people you don't know very well. This goes for girls and guys. Just don't do it. Even if you know them kinda sorta from school or somewhere else. It's just not safe.
10. Always wear deodorant and brush you teeth really well. Don't forget to brush the back of your tongue, that's the place that causes icky breath! Also, wash yourself everyday.
11. Don't let other people hurt your feelings. Just because they call you ugly or stupid or anything else does not make it true. Chances are, they're probably just one those people that gets pleasure out of being mean.
12. For girls: Some boys will say anything to get into your pants. Don't be afraid to say 'no' and don't be feeling guilty into doing something you don't want to do. Just because he says he loves you doesn't make it true. And, odds are, if he wants you to do something you're not comfortable with HE DOESN'T REALLY LOVE YOU. You want someone who will love you for YOU, not your body.
13. If you have had sex and regret it, don't feel guilty. Don't be afraid to talk to a parent or another adult you love and can be open with! This is always a damn good idea. Also, know the facts! A few quick facts: Douches do not protect against pregnancy or STDs (STIs), condoms aren't 100% effective, and neither is the pill, having sex during any time of the month can result in pregnancy. Check out the Woman's Health Matters link below.

some tips
* Tune out the rotten things people say.
* Have someone you can trust and talk to. A parent, a relative, a counselor (remember, counselors by law cannot share what you say to them with other people, as long as it is not something that's against the law, such as a serious death threat).
* If you are being harassed in any way, don't be afraid to tell someone!
* If you have been raped or assaulted (this goes for guys too), contact the authorities immediately. This is not your fault.
* Lift weights and become physically fit. Not only is it healthy but people will be scared of you.
* The most valuable thing you can have is self assurance. Acting vulnerable to get attention will only ever get the wrong kind- why are you taking care of yourself if you're acting like you're not worth it?


* These are just suggestions. If you have a serious problem or need help ask for help from a professional or parent or other adult.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Detect Hidden Cameras and Microphones

Do you ever feel your being watched? Everytime you turn around there's never anyone there. Maybe you're being watched by cameras or microphones are listening. Here are some steps to find them.
try this steps
1. Do a physical search of the premises. This involves a slow, meticulous search of the room or building you suspect is "wired".
* Look around for anything that "seems different", like flower arrangements, pictures on the wall out of level or in unusual places, or lampshades that don't look normal.
* Look inside flower pots, light fixtures, and other places where a microphone transmitter can easily be hidden.
* Look under couch cushions, table tops, and shelves. Underneath shelves and table tops are excellent places for miniature cameras.
2. Turn off the lights, and carefully look around the room for tiny red or green led lights. Some microphones have "power on" indicator lights, and if the person who sets it up is careless they may fail to cover or deactivate this feature. While the lights are off, grab a flashlight and carefully examine all mirrors--these can be made transparent from one side so that a camera can see through, but they rely on the observer's side being darker than the area observed in order to keep the other side of the mirror reflective
3. Listen carefully as you walk the entire room quietly. Many small motion sensitive cameras make an almost inaudible click or buzz when they operate.
4. Search the room or premises for wires that do not seem to "go anywhere", such as an appliance or other familiar device. "Hardwired" spy equipment is less common with modern technology, but is still used for permanent surveillence in commercial businesses for loss prevention.
5. Buy an "RF signal detector" or "Bug Detector". If you seriously beleive you are being spied on, buy an RF (radio frequency) detector, and do a sweep of your room, building, or home. These portable devices are small, simple to use, and fairly inexpensive.
some tips for you
* Check for smoke detectors you didn't add, look for speaker that might have a camera in it.
* Make sure that your computer's microphone and webcam (if you have one) are off ,or covered when not in use
* Don't let the cameras and mic's know your looking for them
* Hide the detector and make sure it's on silent mode
All the Things that You'll Need
* a high-quality detector
* someone that's actually spying on you
* If you want you can use a pro detector just do a Google search for "bug detectors"

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Way to Stop Panic Attacks

Panic Attacks are often common when we have sudden feelings of fear and anxiety. This happens due to the stimulation of the adrenal hormone by the adrenal glands. The released Adrenalin helps the body prepare for a fight or flight situation. This is usually for the good but sometimes it may cause trouble. Especially when it happens too frequently, it is difficult to manage them The problem with these attacks is that they appear out of nowhere. But you can handle it.
try this steps
1. Stress Management and Rest: Panic is due to excessive tension. The best cure for tension is rest. Get more sleep and enjoy your life. Go out on a vacation.
2. Herbal Remedies: Trying herbs is not a bad option. They have been found to be effective. But it is not always. It is your brain that decides whether you should have a panic attack or not.
3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/One Move Technique: This therapy is also known as the One move technique. Panic Attacks are caused due to fear and the fear is due to the release of adrenalin. The release of adrenalin is directly linked to the Adrenal corticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulated by the pituary gland. So that is where you need to control. If you can control the stimulation of ACTH then you can certainly overcome panic attack.

Some Tips
* If you feel panic, then don’t react. Let it through. It will come to an end. Panic Attacks are like a roller coaster. It will come to end.
* Don’t resist panic attacks. Accept it and let it flow through you. It will come to an end.
* Don’t feel afraid. Remember one thing: Fear increases Fear. If you are afraid of panic then it will create more panic and you will face more trouble. So let it go through your body.
* If you let it flow through you, then you will lose your fear of panic. When that happens, you become less scared of panic attacks and more relaxed when you have a panic attack.
* Practice One Move Technique

Monday, March 16, 2009

Tips to Defend Yourself

The difference between walking away and becoming tomorrow's newspaper headline is how well you are prepared to protect yourself in a bad situation. By keeping this information in mind you will know what can be done before and during an attack.
There are various types of confrontations:
* The 'wind-up', the argument before the fight erupts,
* The 'duel' an arranged meet to resolve a dispute between conflicting parties or the ambush.
* The brawl will usually be only after the verbal "woofing" has been exhausted and someone throws a punch.
* An ambush is usually premeditated and one or more assailants will attack when they feel the timing is right, usually after distracting the victim with a question e.g. "Have you got the time?".
1. Think about potential situations in which you will need to defend yourself. No two attacks are the exact same, so think about what you could do if attacked from different sides or in different situations (large numbers of people, alone, at night or at day, assailant is armed or not armed, size of assailant, assailant's intentions). By thinking about it beforehand, you will not be as likely to become shocked and panic during the real thing.
2. Take a self-defense course. Actually being able to run through potential situations and consult with an expert will help you immensely. Try taking a form of martial arts.

1. If you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, try to leave the situation. In an uncomfortable social situation, this can be as simple as firmly asserting yourself ("Back off right now!"). Take all verbal or directional paths to non-confrontation; actual physical confrontation should be your last line of defense, although sometimes it may be the only.
2. Try to stay standing with a wide base, both left-to-right and back-to-front, so that your feet are diagonal from each other (a typical martial arts fighting stance). This will lessen your likelihood of getting knocked or pushed over.
3. Assess your potential assailant: tall/short, stocky/thin, male/female. Look at their hands. If they were about to attack with their hands, they would have their hands out. However, if they are concealing a weapon, they will have them hidden or at their side.
4. The best tactic in any confrontation is to RUN.

Preparing for a confrontation
One simple step to judge when a confrontation has passed the point of a verbal exchange is when the person starts to invade your personal space. To mark this, you put up a fence. A fence is simply putting your hands in front of you in a conciliatory/peaceful gesture (palms out). If the assailant tries to move past your fence, you are entering a physical confrontation - what other reason would they have for getting closer?. The general (but unpalatable) consensus at this point is you have to end the fight as quickly as possible by striking first, striking hard, and striking as many times as you can, then escaping. This goes against the oft quoted 'bushido' or warriors code and our innate civilised sensibilities, however not many assailants care for either of these.
Defending yourself from the front
1. If the attacker is trying to punch you or grab you from the front, put your hands on your forehead in a "Not in the face!" sort of gesture and your arms tight on your body. This may look like a weak defensive position, but that is to your advantage since it brings your opponent's guard down. In addition, this position protects your face and your ribs, two places you'll likely want to protect.
2. From your "Not in the face!" position, when you are close in on your assailant, lift your elbows into your opponent's lower ribs or right below his pectoral muscles. These are sensitive spots and can cause a lot of pain.
3. If your assailant's upper body is far from you but you are still at risk (e.g. your opponent is choking you), attack their legs. This is especially effective on larger attackers because the bigger he/she is, the more stress he/she has on his/her legs and knees. Do not deliver a typical Karate Kid style kick; instead, kick his/her shins soccer-style (with the instep of your foot). This is a quick and painful kick. In addition, if his/her legs are close enough, lift your knees into their inner leg (femoral nerve), outer leg, knee, or groin. These will break down your attacker and may disable him/her, as only 12-16 pounds of pressure are needed to break a knee.
4. If your opponent has his/her head in reaching distance (which is often the case when you attack his/her legs), you will want to attack it. Try to poke or press on the eyes, as no one can resist an eye poke no matter how big he/she is. Clapping on the ears can stun or, if done perfectly, breaks the eardrums. Striking the cheekbones can cause bruises or broken bones. Striking the nose causes nosebleeds and temporary blindness.
5. In some cases you may also want to attack your attacker's neck (usually open when the head is). To effectively choke someone, do not do the typical Hollywood "hands around the entire neck," but instead just put your thumb and fingers around his/her trachea (especially easy to find on men with large Adam's apples). Also, right below his/her trachea is a notch in his/her neck. Dig, drive, and sink your fingers into this notch and they will experience intense pain and probably fall down.

Attacks from behind
1. If an attacker tries to attack you from behind to choke you, press his/her forearm against your collarbone instead of trying to pull it directly off (which doesn't work well). Put one hand above his/her elbow (on the forearm) and one hand below it (so your hands are on both sides of the elbow). Then, in one strong and determined movement, step and swing your entire body around like the arm is the hinge to your body acting as a screen door. This will get you out of his/her choke and leave his/her head, ribs, and legs wide open to your counterattack. (Also note that, when your attacker is behind you, his/her shins are right behind your legs and primed for your stomping and raking.)
2. If the attacker is trying to pick you up from behind, drop your hips quickly and violently as if you were plopping down on a love seat. This will make you harder to pick up and give you an extra moment to attack them and fend them off (stomp on their shins).
3. If the attacker is trying to choke you by wrapping his arms around your neck, bring the ball of your foot forward, as if you just kicked a soccer ball, and fast and FORCEFULLY, slam it into the area of their leg between their ankle and mid-leg. This will, (if done hard enough) break their leg.

Other potential situations
1. If you fall, try to fall on top of your attacker. While falling, keep the pointy parts of your body pointy (your knees and your elbows) and aim for your attacker's groin, ribs, and neck.
2. If your attacker is wrestling with you on the ground and has you pinned under him/her, grab his/her body by unlocking his/her arm joints, or pin a hand to the ground. Then, put one leg firmly on the ground, push off of it, and swing your hips over. This will have you falling on top of your opponent, which should be done with a good amount of pointedness.
3. If an attacker attacks with a weapon, know where the weapon is effective. If he/she has a knife, try to stay out of stabbing range, and if he/she has a gun, don't count out running and dodging left to right. Also, note that the attacker invests him/herself on that weapon and can leave him/herself open to grabbing/pinning the weapon hand or a different attack.
4. If you get a chance to leave safely, go for it. Be sure that you're safe from your opponent when you decide to stop defending yourself.

Some tips
* If someone is attacking you, you are right and the other person is wrong. Their motivation is probably wanting your money or possessions or body, while yours is self-preservation. This means that you can fight without rules, since your cause is "righteous". In all likelihood, there will be a point in time, somewhere between the knees to the groin, elbows to the ribs, and strikes to the nose, that whatever he/she wanted before isn't nearly as important as stopping the pain you're dishing out.
* In a self-defense situation, take a "not me" attitude: don't let yourself be the one they see in the paper the next morning. This starts before the fight, since experienced rapists and muggers will choose their victims not by what they are wearing or who they are, but how they act. If you are confident, you will not be the one they target.
* If you get the opportunity, talk with your friends about how one would defend one's self in a dangerous situation. If possible, run through potential situations and where to target on someone's body and what seems to work and what doesn't.
* If you think that you may be entering "a bad neighborhood" or any place where an attack could possibly happen, keep some pepper spray with you. This could be an invaluable lifesaver. Never keep a potentially lethal weapon such as a firearm or a knife with you as you may turn a mugging into a fight to the death, especially if the assailant is armed.
* Threatening an assailant with a weapon like a knife or firearm is a bad idea unless you fear for your life. It is not worth going to jail for murder, manslaugter or getting killed over your wallet. Remember, the assailant is most probably stronger and more experienced in fighting than you or he would not have chosen you.
* If this is any sort of domestic situation, you may be wondering at what point it becomes bad enough to warrant you defending yourself. By legal standards, any unwarranted contact is an assault. It doesn't matter if he/she "only" pushed you, it's still an assault, can still be dangerous, and you still deserve to defend yourself.

* Don't get in fights over trivial things like disagreements in a bar about beer/girls/sports teams. Be the bigger person and walk away. You're better than that.
* Don't comply with someone who has you under duress (in other words, if the attacker says, "Get in the car," don't get in the car. The attacker wants to move you probably because he/she doesn't want to do what he/she intends to do in your current situation. You have a much better chance of surviving if you resist as soon as possible, however, if you do not escape at that moment, the attacker will probably kill you and take the keys.
* In many cases, you can end the situation immediately by giving the attacker your wallet. This is a logical choice, especially if at knife- or gunpoint. Your life is worth much more than the cash and cards you have on you. toss the wallet away from you and run.
* This plan does not cover every situation, but it's rather a brief overview of what you can expect. By no means are you completely safe; however, after reading and understanding this you have a better mindset if a situation does arise. Above all, remember that you are right and you can decide if you're not going to be the victim.
* Only carry a weapon if you have sufficient training to use it legally and effectively.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Choose a Self Defense Class

Concerned about defending yourself? Not feeling confident when you're travelling alone? Why not try self-defense classes? They can be an enjoyable way to learn to protect yourself and boost confidence.
try this steps
Finding a class

1. If you know anyone who goes to self-defense classes, talk to them, as they may be able to point you in the right direction. If you have a friend who teaches, even better!
2. Find out whether local self-defense classes have to have approval or specific licenses. This should help in finding a reputable instructor.
3. Go to your local police station. They should have a list of reputable self-defense classes, or at least be able to point you to some good instructors, and may be able to direct you to classes well-suited to you (e.g. self-defense for women).
4. If you are still stuck for classes, try having a look in your local telephone directory, search online for local classes, or look on bulletin board at local fitness centers. Remember: the size of the ad is no judge of the quality of the class. Have a look around any classes listed in your area.

Choosing between classes
1. When you find a class, go down when the lesson is on, and watch the class in progress. Don't just watch the instructor, pay attention to the people in the class, too. Remember that you may be training with them, so you should be comfortable being around them.
2. Talk to the instructor about the classes, and talk to those learning if you have the chance. They can give you an idea of what training will involve.
3. Get involved! Taking part will give you an idea of what the training is actually like.
4. If you like the look of a class, use any trial periods they may have; many schools offer a certain number of lessons at a reduced rate while you're deciding about the school.

some tips
* Talk to the instructor about what you're looking to get out of the classes.
* Be wary of fraudulent instructors; learning self-defense does not need to cost you an arm and a leg, nor does it require pledging eternal (or even temporary) servitude to them.
* If you believe something is dangerous to you, do not do it. A good instructor will know that not everyone is as confident or as able as others, and will support you in your training. You are at their classes of your own choosing.
* Learning to defend yourself does not have to be a chore! If you are not enjoying the classes, talk to your instructor. They may be able to adjust your instruction to your preferences. If they refuse, consider finding another class.
* If you are not comfortable with the 'atmosphere' of the class, do not be afraid to walk away. You may have only picked up on something subconciously, but 'intuition' is generally a good guide.
* If you are not feeling confident about going to classes initially, ask a friend to go with you. Seeing a familiar face when you start can make the difference between sticking around and dropping out.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

React in an Emergency

Sometime in out lives, we may encounter an emergency or other situation or disaster that we must take control of. A situation may range from a car crash to a glass of spilled milk. No matter what, it is important to remain calm to effectively deal with the situation.
this is the steps
1. Remain calm. Take a few deep breaths. This is mentioned in every article with the word "emergency" in it and it is necessary to properly deal with an emergency.
2. Keep people away from the site of the situation. This will keep the people involved/injured safe. Depending on the size and location of the situation, this may be easy or difficult.
* If the emergency is outdoors and is large, such as a car accident and is on a road, you will need a large object to physically place in front of the site of the situation. Depending on the size of the situation, you may need to only block off one lane or you may need to block off both. The easiest way is to park your vehicle horizontally directly in front of the emergency. Stand beside it and signal to vehicles to move into the adjacent lane. If you are on a four lane road, obstruct two lanes in the direction heading toward the situation and signal to drivers to move into the center oncoming lane. Drivers should have enough common sense to move back into the correct lane when they pass the situation. If possible, get a friend to move oncoming traffic into the curb lane on the side of the road opposite of the emergency. See the diagram if you are confused.
* If the situation is indoors, things will be a little bit easier. Use chairs or other objects to close off the area. Appoint people to stand by the area to explain to others what is happening and to tell them to walk around. Wet floor signs are also good for this purpose.
3. Administer first aid to anyone requiring it.
4. Depending on the severity of the situation, call the local emergency phone number.
5. Use available resources to address and give directions to a large group of people. Use a building's public address system if necessary. Most phones in a large building have a button labelled PA that you can use to access it in a hurry. This is useful for saying, "Move along people, nothing to see here,"
6. As emergency crews begin to arrive, slowly get out of the way but stay nearby.
some tips
* If you happen to have some caution tape in your car or on your person, now is a good time to use it. To be prepared for an emergency, consider purchasing some from your local hardware store and placing it in the trunk of your car so you will always have it if you need it.
* When we say "emergency crews" in this article, it does not necessarily mean the people driving the cars with the fancy flashing lights. While emergency crews at a car accident are the police and paramedics, emergency crews at a milk spill may simply mean "the guy with the paper towels".
* Remember that it takes teamwork to handle an emergency properly. You will need to work together with people to get a situation stabilized. You will also need to do things that you would not normally do such as in steps two and five.
* Also remember that in an emergency, you will have to appoint yourself in charge of a situation. Do not assume someone else will do it. YOU must do it first to prevent chaos.
* If possible, wear a reflective vest if you are going to direct traffic around the site of an emergency.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Be Street Smart

Modern times have changed and people need to change as well to stay safe and not be a 'victim'. This article could help save your life.
try this steps
1. Trust your gut instinct in any situation. Many people ignore that little warning voice inside of themselves. They talk themselves out of listening to it because they think they are being paranoid or they don't want to be the one to speak up. It can be your best friend around danger and help you make snap decisions. It is better to be paranoid than to become a victim.
2. Train yourself to be extra careful and alert around crowds. Watch and note any suspicious behavior. Criminals love crowds because they distract most people. Instruct your friends and family to be aware as well. Carry wallets,backpacks and purses in front of your body and never set anything down even for a 'minute' unless you are sitting and it is in front of you in your hands. If any stranger bumps into you or makes you stop suddenly because they abruptly stop in front of you, if they ask a question or causes a distraction of any kind, get real cautious. Most pickpockets work in twos or use children. If a strange child comes up to you in public to show you a drawing or something they are selling, watch for other people (even other children) around you. If you feel a insect bite you, or wet paint or bird poop get on your clothes and someone offers to brush you off-be aware it could be a pickpocket team.
3. Understand that evil comes in many forms. Stereotypes of what evil looks like in people cause people to relax in front of strangers. A criminal might not be male and dressed in all black! Danger can be inside the most normal and non-threatening adults and even children. It resides in beautiful and confident people. Don't tell your entire life story to any stranger.
4. Learn that losing control in ANY public setting is just plain dangerous. If you are even tipsy, your guard goes down. Be especially careful if you are a woman and the man with you is drunk. It makes you focus on him and is a magnet for other men to strike at you. Dump him in a cab or call a friend to help you. IF you sense danger on a street, TURN around and walk the opposite way.
5. Hold children's hands in public. Do not let them get in front or behind you in a crowd. Stay alert at all times of where they are. Instruct them to stay with you. Avoid leaving them alone in a public place.
6. Distrust anything that is too good to be true. Whether it is a get rich scheme, a beautiful person or couple flirting and coming on to you, a cheap way to sight-see without a established tour guide-DO not trust it and back away.
7. Contact the authorities if any stranger ever asks you to deliver or give a message. Especially if they offer you money.
8. Avoid stopping when walking on the street to give money or cigarettes. Just say "No thank you." Never walk to someones car to give directions. Keep your eyes in front of you and walk quickly. Ignore strangers that talk to you. When listening to a street musician be extra careful. Never hold any CASH in your hand no matter how small. If approached by a street gang and they ask where you are from, say "nowhere". Avoid staring any gang member in the eyes too long -it is a sign of disrespect. The best thing to do is leave the area at once and do not start any conversation with them.
9. Remember to be alert to people following you. If you are in a bar or hotel and you feel you are being watched, you most likely are right. Again trust that instinct. Call a friend to join or come get you if alone.
10. Practice being calm. Force yourself to think about the steps you will do and do not focus on how scared and upset you are. If you are with a group of people, take charge and become the "Calm" leader even if you do not feel calm. Tell them you have a "plan" even if you do not. Something will come to you in time.
11. Consider that many robberies take place on quiet streets. Criminals look for a 'lone' victim. They also love tourists because they are busy and distracted. Stay on guard. Do not talk and get lost in a phone conversation while walking in public. Stop and sit down if you need to talk to someone on your cell. If a armed robber does get to you, try to throw the wallet/purse away from you than run as fast as you can.
12. Blend in as best as you can. Sometimes this will be difficult, especially if you're the ethnic minority, but be cognizant of how the people around you dress and act. Try not to draw attention to yourself. You should never look like the wealthiest person in a crowd. If you have a physical feature that's different and eye-catching, try to minimize it. For example, if you have long, gorgeous blond hair, a troubled neighborhood is not the place to flaunt it. Wear it in a ponytail and put on a hat or a hood.
13. Imagine that you are confident as you walk the streets. Don't look scared. Don't appear nervous. If you happen to make eye contact with someone, don't look away suddenly, as if it was an accident. Look away slowly and casually. Pretend you've walked in that neighborhood a million times before. It helps to wear sunglasses/glasses on the street to prevent muggers from throwing items such as red pepper into your eyes to blind you as they rob you. In a restaurant try to sit with your back against the wall if possible. If muggers jump on your back, allow yourself to fall but try to break it with your hands. Give them your backpack, wallet or purse before getting up.
14. Get to know people. Establish rapport with neighbors who seem quiet and trustworthy. It's always good to know someone in the neighborhood who you can go to for help.
15. Learn assertive body language. If you are clutching your purse too tight, blinking fast, seem to be lost, uncertain or looking frazzled you could be targeted. Don't send out nervous or vulnerable signals by walking too fast either or constantly looking behind you. Be smart and leave the fancy electronic gadgets (ipods, laptops, etc,) at home. Street robbers love those expensive toys because they are easy to fence.

some tips
* Crime does not just take place at night and in bad areas. It can be anywhere and at anytime. It can happen in places you would never dream-national parks or monuments, amusement parks, churches, hospitals, weddings, tour buses and playgrounds. Many crimes happen early in the morning in the streets of big cities. It can happen in well lit streets or dimly lit areas. Understand that criminals can be all around you, they are walking, standing and in cars. Keep Vigilant.
* Watch out for people who are vulnerable-young children, teens and the elderly. They can be naive and good targets for criminals.Young adults under the age of 25 are very gullible still. Tell them to travel in packs while in high school or college. Teach your family how to stay safe and less trusting. Tell them that any stranger could be dangerous to them and to never hold on to their purses, phones or any items if the robber wants it.
* When the weather is hot-be even more on guard. Many criminals seem to strike during warm/hot spells. If a person approaches you wearing a hood over his head in hot weather or dressed in ski-cap or wool jacket-that is suspicious.
* Anyone can be a victim-even the 6' man. Don't fool yourself just because you are big and tall. Don't be the hero-just throw or give them the stuff they want and run or back away. Do not ever chase the mugger. You could be killed and it is not worth it. Never throw yourself or chase after the mugger's car-they can run you over.
* Always do your ATM banking when it feels safe. If there is even a doubt in your mind, don't do it.
* Carry some cash with you but never display it when you open your wallet or your purse. Avoid money clips and expensive jewelry. It makes you a target. Never keep all your cash in one place when traveling. Have some under a shirt or in a bra even a shoe. They sell items to help you hide money on your person. If you feel someone behind you in line is watching you-be 'careful' that they do not follow you. Keep your wallet and purse-clean and organized with no money floating around on the top.
* Don't let any stranger in your car. If you see a stranger fiddling or standing by your car-do not approach it. Contact authorities instead. Never leave any valuables in your car even the trunk.
* When traveling-pack very light and very organized. Do not be burdened with heavy suitcases as they will only distract you. Hold on and track your passport. Keep it on your person at all times. Never let it out of your sight and same with airline tickets. Give yourself and family plenty of time so you are not frazzled.
* Pickpockets always travel in couples or groups. One to distract and one to get to your items. If you feel distracted by a person/or a couple's antics (falling down, being drunk or crazy, a fight) in a public place, stop and look around.They are very fast and very skillful.
* If you are a single man and a attractive stranger approaches you. Talk to them but don't leave with them. They could be the "bait" to lure you into a very bad situation.
* If you see a crime happening in front of you, be very careful before stepping in. Take mental notes on everything that is happening and look around to see if others are watching. If you see a man assaulting a woman in public, try to get other people to help you with him. He could be carrying a weapon. Observe his height, weight, facial hair, any tattoos, skin marks or scars and clothes. Call the police. If you have his license plate, make sure to write it down or say it into your cell phone to a friend.
* If you have to sleep in public, have a friend watch your belongings. Never leave any purses/backpacks open when sitting.
* If you are traveling in a crowded bus or subway, people are going to be shoved next to you. The person with a magazine or newspaper could be a pickpocket. Keep a hand on your belongings at all times and don't wear a expensive watch in public transport or while traveling.
* Never give any personal information or credit card information over the phone to a stranger. Even if they say they work for a charity or cause. Delete any e-mails from strangers or any contacts from your bank, credit card or pay pal.They are scams. If not sure about any e-mail-delete it.
* Stop your car if a person jumps in front of it but do not OPEN the door. If the person has a weapon and is hitting or smashing your car, keep driving. If a person taps on your car window do not roll it down.
* When traveling abroad dress 'down'. Make sure your kids are not wearing expensive shoes and other items. Do not look like a "Rich American". Don't carry around camera equipment that is very expensive. Lock all suitcases all of the time in any hotel.
* Remember the elbow is the strongest weapon on your body.
* If locked in the trunk of a car, kick out the back headlights when the car is moving, not when the car is idling. Wave your arm out of the hole. Someone could see you. Look for the trunk release as well.
* if you are bi lingual, use that against them... you can trick them into thinking that you arnt going to be easy to steal from, so they will bi-pass you...


* Use common sense-do not put yourself or other people in your life in uncertain, dangerous situations. If walking down the street and you feel or see a situation that does not look right or feel right than walk the opposite direction even if it take you out of the way to where you are going. If you are jogging-do it with a pal or in a very safe area where you are not alone. Beware of big city parks where criminals can hide and jump at you. if you are a tourist- Never walk around very late at night in a big city by yourself-take a taxi. Avoid bad neighborhoods.
* Avoid Public rest stops. A better choice is a drive-in or large drug store. When traveling try to empty your bladder in safe places.
* If on a city bus-beware that you can be robbed on it. Be Careful if it is empty or a double decker-sit behind the bus driver if possible. If a person gets on bus and your instinct screams 'danger' just get off and catch another one. Do not let them get off the bus behind you though.
* If a stranger on the street offers to sell you anything, be very careful. Do not trust or believe anything they have to say. They want you to part with your money for something. Just say a polite "no thank you".
* If someone blocks you in your car with their car, do not open the doors for any reason. Stay calm and use your cell phone to call police. If a criminal blocks or pins you on the sidewalk, be calm, assertive and aggressive. Make lots of noise by saying "Please move now!" in a very loud strong voice. If they don't move, call to a stranger by his or her hair and shirt color, asking them to call for help at once. If no one is on the street, than pretend there is and call out to the stranger who will help you. If they have you in a headlock, tuck your chin in and try to trip them then run.
* Stop if you are in a mall, any retail store, sports arena or restaurant and feel your eyes and throat burning. Get out at once. Do not worry about the bill or if you are trying on clothes. Whatever it is that you were doing, forget about it and get outside. Sometimes criminals put poison gas/tear gas in air vents. Use your clothes to block your nose as you get out.
* If you are in a store or other public building and someone comes in with a gun, get down at once. If they start firing, than force yourself to lay still or pretend to be dead. Do what the criminal wants but make yourself a'undesirable' victim. If they force you to stand up than pretend to throw up or pretend to have a heart or breathing attack. Pee on yourself. Tell them you need your medications. Do not use your cell phone.
* If you witness a purse snatching on a elderly person, don't chase after the mugger. Call for an ambulance instead for the elderly person. They could have a heart attack or injuries from being pushed. If the elderly person is bleeding from the head-do not move them! Call for help asap. Stay with the elderly person until help arrives.
* If you are elderly and a strange man with a big smile comes towards you in the public to help you, Say "STOP". Then "I do not need your help." Do not go with him. Better safe than sorry. If it is cold outside and the person is sweaty or agitated, they could be on drugs or suffering from nervious energy. Take extreme caution and move away from them.
* If you see a group of 5 to 10 youths who are looking for trouble-do whatever it takes to move away from them. There are gangs of kids who will mug, beat or sometimes 'taser' their victims in broad daylight.
* Don't sit in your car after you shop or have returned from an restaurant. You can talk on the phone or make your to do list at home. A predator could be watching. Immediately start your car, lock the doors and drive away. If there is a person with a gun to your head in the back seat or they get in the passenger side, start the car if they ask you to do so. No matter where you are, gun the car as fast as you can and ram the car front into something like a wall or a tree. Just hit something. The airbag may deploy. Get out of car as soon as you can. It is better to be in a car accident than to drive with an armed predator. If you and a predator, who has a gun on you, are walking but you are not in his control, run away as fast as you can in a zig zag pattern. The chances of you being killed if he shoots at you are slimmer than being in his control.
* Don't use the stairs, use the elevator, especially at night.
* Always walk with a friend if you can. A buddy around sometimes could mean life or death in a mugging or fight.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Be Confident and Safe when Going Out Alone

Going out by yourself can seem intimidating even frightening. There are definitely dangers to be aware of but you can go to places on your own. You can overcome your anxiety about such things and learn to differentiate between real danger and irrational fear or paranoia. This article assumes you are a woman but if you're a man, there's plenty of useful information in here for you too.
follow this steps
1. Think about where you are going. What section of town is it? Will there be others there whom you know (friends, acquaintances)? If your destination is in a better section of town - i.e., one that is well-lit, not known to be run down or rife with crime - then you're in much better shape, going alone. If it's in a not-so-good section of town, think again. Overcoming your fears and anxieties is one thing but taking foolish and unnecessary risks is another. There are some places, it's just better to go with others.There really is safety in numbers.
2. Dress to impress, not to seduce. If you're going out with pals, you can wear more risque or daring outfits than if going alone - it's just a fact that with others to watch your back, you don't need to worry as much. So instead of dressing in that very low cut, slinky black sheath, wear something more demure. Choose a fabulous cashmere sweater or business attire dressed up with a great scarf or elegant necklace. Calling the wrong sort of attention to yourself when you're on your own is not smart. Be more modest and less sexy.
3. Make sure your car is in good order. Sounds silly? Not if you have a leaky tire valve. The last thing you need is to come out at 2AM and find you have a flat. If you're hanging out alone, have a AAA or other roadside emergency service card with you as well as a charged cell phone. Fill your car up with gas before you leave. Just checking to make sure everything is cool before you get going is a great step to give you peace of mind before you head out.
4. Tell someone where you are going and how long you plan to stay. You are not "putting yourself on a leash" or "cramping your own style." You're being smart by letting a family member or friend know where - and when - to start looking for you, worrying, etc. One good way to go about it is to tell your (for example) mom that you are "going to a party at Steve's house in Agoura this Saturday." You don't need to provide a GPS tracker, but it's smart to leave a MapQuest or Google map of your planned route. Tell your mom you will call when you're on your way home. Call Steve and tell him you're on your way as you are leaving the house. This way, if you don't arrive at the party, hopefully Steve will remember that you called to tell him you were coming, and will call your mom. Now, both parties realize that you left and never arrived at your destination - it gives them a faster start on finding you. If you left a map of your route, Mom can alert the authorities to search along that route - your problem may be as simple as a flat tire or as serious as a crash, with you and your car in a ditch, and a dead cell phone battery - telling someone where you planned to be will help them find you much quicker. Conversely, if you call Mom and tell her that you are in your car and leaving the party at 10pm, she will know that if you have not arrived by midnight, she should begin to worry. Cell phones have taken a lot of these worries away, because it's a simple matter to call most of the time. But consider this: If your cell phone dies, or if you leave it at the party, or it is stolen, lost, or otherwise does not work, you have left word with people who will definitely become concerned after only an hour or two if you don't show up - it won't be half the night before someone even realizes you never showed up where you were supposed to. Knowing you have taken these simple precautions can boost your confidence significantly.
5. Be alert and aware of your surroundings. Before you get out of your car, think about where you have parked. Is it well-lit, easy to see from the street? This is the best place to park if alone. Avoid parking in dark alleys or very far away from the door of your destination. Remember where you parked - very important. Mentally map your path to the door of the place you're going, take note of anyone on the street, and gather your things quickly. Upon leaving your car, check carefully that it is locked and you have left nothing enticing (like a laptop bag or an iPod) in plain view. Walk purposefully - do not meander - directly to the door and enter immediately. Lingering on the street is not a good idea, it allows potential attackers to see that you are alone. Keep anyone you noticed out on the street in your mind, and in the corner of your eye, if possible. Being aware of the people around you is key to your safety. Do not talk on your cell phone, it will distract you.
6. Get inside quickly, and once inside, relax and enjoy yourself responsibly. Remember there is no designated driver, you're it. Don't get drunk! If you do get drunk, don't plan on going home without calling a taxi or relative to collect you.
7. Avoid sharing too much information with any stranger. Don't be naive and trust someone you do not know. The people you meet may be very nice people or they may be not very nice.It's impossible to make an accurate judgment in just one meeting. Do not mention you came alone. Say you are waiting for friends to arrive or someone is picking you up soon. If you meet someone you think is nice so far, make plans to meet in a coffee shop, at a restaurant, or at an amusement park, rather than giving out your home address or place of work. Giving out your cell phone number is okay if you want to. The main idea is that you take time to really know this person and get a feel for the real guy or girl, not just that first impression.
8. Remember that good people are like sunny days - there are LOTS of them. Just because you're being careful doesn't mean you need to be afraid that everyone is out there thinking about how to get over on you. Be prepared - not paranoid. Remembering that there are more sunny days than days when lightning strikes is useful. Lightning is dangerous, maybe deadly - but rare.
9. Relax and be yourself. You won't have a good time if you don't relax. Once you've reached your destination, settle in and resolve to have a good time, no matter what. Most large gatherings turn out to be groups of small gatherings - people tend to group together in smaller clusters, even if there are loads of people in one place. Hang back a bit and "lurk", listening for the kinds of people you would like to know as you overhear their conversations. Try not to be obvious - just hang there, looking like you are interested in someone outside that group (so that they don't get that you're listening in.) Once you're sure you'd like to meet these people, wait for an opportunity - one of them says something like, "I LOVED _______ movie." (Assuming it's one you also loved) Quickly turn and say, "I hope you'll excuse me, but I couldn't help overhearing - I loved that movie, too - wasn't it great? I love (actor/actress/director) - I'll see anything s/he is involved in." This is a little feeler, a way of seeing if you will be welcomed or rebuffed.
10. Feel welcomed. The response you get from your little "barometer reading" (a way to sort of test the weather in the group - are they warm and welcoming, or cold and aloof?) will tell you everything you need to know: If the response is, "Yeah, wasn't that great? I loved every minute of it..." or something to that effect, you're in. You can now just pick up and chat about that, and hopefully, stick with them for a little while, making conversation as it flows naturally. Be sure you get an email address or a MySpace address so that you can stay in touch. If you do this, you can wait a day or two, then send an email or a MySpace message saying, "It was great to meet you the other night - maybe we can go to a movie sometime!" Keep it short and leave it at that - don't stalk them. On the other hand, if you are not welcomed ...
11. Feel unwelcome. Some cliques are pretty tight and hard to penetrate. That's okay, don't take it personally. If you try to interject and get in on the fun they're having, but they give you a bad look or say, "Uhhh... yeah." and then let it drop like a bomb, just shrug it off and move on - they may look like fun, but if they're not nice people, they're not what you wanted anyhow. Blow it off and try again somewhere else.
12. Brush up on your conversation skills. And while we're at it, it doesn't hurt to have interesting things to talk about - if you don't know about anything, can't talk knowledgeably about a variety of subjects, it makes you pretty dull. There's not a lot to say if you don't know anything about current events (news, politics), pop culture (movies, TV, books), or other interesting subjects. Inform yourself about things going on in the world, and find ways to discuss them without seeming like a boring know-it-all. It's a fine line - nothing to say = dull, no personality. Too much to say = obnoxious, overbearing conversation hog. Remember that conversation is an art - you say something, then let them say something.
13. Leave knowing you made a new friend or acquaintance. It's a good feeling to leave having had a fun conversation with someone new, or with someone's phone number in your pocket. But if you don't, never fear - you can always try again! The more times you go out and try, the better you will be at fending for yourself in these social situations, and as your skills grow, so will your contact list. Give it time.
14. Preparing to leave, take a close read of the street and then go straight to your car, then home. Alone. If the guard or bouncer, or a group of other women you have met, offer to walk you to your car, take them up on it. At the very least, let someone know that you're going home now, and ask them to watch you till you get in your car. Take a look around - know who is on the street with you, and if you see an alley between you and your car, walk in the middle of the street if necessary to give yourself plenty of room to move if you need to. Walk purposefully and confidently to your car, and when you get there, have your keys ready and unlock the car as you are taking your last steps toward it. Get in, and lock the doors immediately, buckle up, start your car and drive away. Don't sit in your car fixing your makeup or fiddling with your iPod - get going.
15. Congratulate yourself - you did it! Being aware of your surroundings and acting confident will help you feel confident. You've just realized you can go places on your own and survive - you can meet new friends, and have great times without waiting to tag along with others. It's a great feeling!

some tips for you
* People who have the intent to rob or assault others often look for easy targets - nervous types, retiring types, or people just wandering and not really paying attention to their surroundings. Standing tall and walking with purpose, being obviously aware of who and what are on the street with you makes you look confident - not an easy target.
* Many assaults, carjackings, robberies, and homicidal attacks are carried out on women sitting in their cars fumbling with money, makeup, or their radios. Often, the doors are unlocked and the attacker just slides right in. Don't make yourself this kind of target. Instead, have your stuff together, get locked in, buckled up and on your way. You can fiddle with your iPod at the next red light.
* Attract the right kind of attention - not the wrong kind. Dressing in sexy, provocative attire, or wearing a lots of jewelry may be cool once inside, but before you get to your destination, it's not going to attract the kind of attention you want. Cover it up, girl! Once you're in, you can let it out, but remember to cover it again before leaving!
* Be smart - don't insist on going if there's an obvious problem. If your car is hard to start or makes you feel nervous, if you aren't feeling all that well, or if your mind is very focused on a problem, don't go. You want to have a good time, not put yourself in a dangerous situation. If there is an obvious trouble sign, stay home with a book. Go out once the problem has been addressed instead.
* Don't count money or check ID's on the street - that's an invitation to rob you. Stay alert and don't distract yourself while out on the street.
* Don't space out when you're alone. Remember there is no one to depend upon but yourself. Stay alert and keep your wits about you at all times.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Yogyakarta, Jogja, Jogjakarta or Yogya?

Well, this is my post to remember my sweet memories in this city especialy when i'm live in tempel sleman yogyakarta,hope someday i can visiting this city again.

So..Please enjoy this article

There are different names for Yogyakarta. Senior citizens call it Ngayogyakarta; people from East Java and Central Java name it Yogya or Yoja. Yogya is called Jogja in the slogan of Jogja Never Ending Asia. Recently, there is another name: Djokdja. All of the names refer to the same city. How could those various names for one city appear?

There are at least 3 development periods to be explained. The name Ngayogyakarta existed in 1755 when Mangkubumi Prince whose title was Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I founded the Kingdom of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. The kingdom that was built on the Bering Forest area was a realization of Giyanti Agreement done with Pakubuwono III from Surakarta.

It is unclear when the name Yogyakarta first existed, whether it is a contraction of the name Ngayogyakarto or because of other reasons. However, the name of Yogyakarta has been used formally since the independence of Indonesia. When it became the capital of Indonesia in 1949, this student city had been called Yogyakarta. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX also used the name of Yogyakarta when he announced that this kingdom is part of Indonesian Republic.

Some other names such as Yogja, Jogja, Jogya and Yogya came afterwards. The variations may exist from different pronunciation of people from different parts of Indonesia. Interestingly, people will refer to the same area when they hear those different names.

For business purpose, the name of Jogja becomes more popular and it is used in the slogan Jogja Never Ending Asia. The slogan is intended to build the image of Yogyakarta as a tourism city having great natural and culture enchantments. The reason to choose the name 'Jogja' is that the pronunciation of the word is relatively easy for most people, including foreigners. Some institutions once replaced Yogyakarta with Jogjakarta.

YogYES.COM uses the name Djokdja in Tour de Djokdja rubric. This name was used during the Dutch colonial time. The proof was the presence of a hotel named Grand Hotel de Djokdja at the north end of Malioboro Street by that time. Now, the hotel is still in operation but the name changes to Inna Garuda. The name of 'Djokdja' is chosen to give an impression of an old city and to invite the readers to fill with nostalgia.

With various spellings and pronunciations, Yogyakarta is the only city with many variations of name. Jakarta only has one variation: Jayakarta, while Bali does not have any other name. Other tourism cities in the world such as Bangkok, Singapore, Cartagena, or Venice do not seem to have variations; neither metropolitan cities such as New York, Los Angeles, and London.

Now, you do not have to be confused when you find someone writing the name of Yogyakarta city as the way he spells it. When you browse in the Internet to find out more about this city, you would better use the name Yogyakarta as it is the most commonly used in writing. The second commonly used name is Jogja.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009



Sunday, March 1, 2009

Exercise an Open Mind

Simply put, doing unique, random, different, and ridiculous things is a good way to exercise the mind and promote new ways of thinking about the world around us. One hour of increased brain activity via thinking a lot or experiencing new stimuli can make you smarter, more energetic, more creative, more sociable, and more open to new experiences and ways of thinking. Here are some of the endless numbers of activities that can stimulate your brain. The key ingredients are to be open to new experiences, and changes in previous ways of thinking about these experiences.
This is the steps

1. Use your imagination to create Stimulate your ears differently. Try different music you haven't tried before: Classical, New Age, Zouk, Rap, Mariachi, Country, Afro-Blues. You don't have to like it at first, but if you keep an open mind, you can still find it interesting. Listen to a radio station you typically don't listen to.
2. Stimulate your eyes in new ways. Go to a cheap or free art gallery. Even if you think it's bad art, it can still be stimulating and thought provoking.
3. Learn about different people and lifestyles. A great gateway into this is Wikipedia, where you can read articles on a wide variety of practices, such as Swinging, Wicca, Christianity, the Green Party, Conservatism, Communism, Anarchism, Sunnis, Discordianism, Tutsis, and the Yakuza. Consider how many members they have worldwide. Volunteer with an organization that works with a community of people you are unfamiliar with.
4. While waiting (in line at the bank, a coffee shop, a restaurant, the grocery store, or waiting for someone to pick you up, or a show on TV to start), ponder things, calculate, memorize. You can, for example, memorize digits of Pi (you can get to 50 in a matter of hours, 200 in a matter of weeks), try to remember all of your high school teachers' names, memorize Prime Numbers, get fast at reciting the alphabet backwards, the Greek alphabet (forwards and backwards), remember how many movies Tom Cruise has been in, try Doubling numbers, start at 1, to 2, to 4, to 8, till you get to larger numbers than you can handle.
5. Take unusual classes. Find a community college or community-based educational program near you, pick up a catalog, and open your mind to learning things like Art History, Underwater Basketweaving, First Aid training, or Business Ethics. Your local university likely offers easy survey courses with no prerequisites, such as Meteorology, Nutrition, Japanese Pop Culture, etc. How awesome would it be to know basic Meteorology? You could even find unexpected topics such as Vampires and Werewolves. Learn different languages (Esperanto, Japanese, French, Arabic, Italian, Navajo, etc.) especially those with roots very different from your own.
6. Join clubs based on things you have no knowledge of, such as a Scrabble Club, an Investment Club, etc.
7. Watch movies in genres that you normally don't partake in, such as Cyberpunk, scary, Anime, documentaries, stand up comedy (Eddie Izzard,etc. Mitch Hedberg). IMDb is a great site to look for movies that other people enjoy. They break them down by genre as well. Remember to be open-minded about things you don't know about.
8. Learn how to write backwards. Leonardo DaVinci, the quintessential Renaissance man and a jack-of-all-trades, wrote all of his notes backwards so that they could only be read with a mirror. Or try writing upside down. None of these is as hard as it might seem; you'll soon get the hang of it.
9. Read back-wards or upside down as well!
10. Watch shows that you don't watch or that you often discriminate against, even though you have never watched them. Do you hate the O.C.? Even if you still dislike it or find it comical, try it once or twice. Try a soap opera: It's fun! Try new genres, like science fiction or fantasy. Watch the Spanish channels; watch the religious channels; watch the Discovery channel; watch the Travel channel; or if you do watch all those channels, try not watching television at all for a week ... Thus, you will have the time to try everything else posted in this page!
11. Build ridiculous things like radios, legos, robots, trebuchets.
12. Walk backwards through your whole house. (But be extra careful not to trip over anything, or fall down the stairs)
13. Try foods you have never tried. Have you tried sushi? Have you tried Vietnamese? Mediterranean? Indian? Native-American? Cajun? Have you ever tasted a Boba? A shot of Wheatgrass? Have you smoked a hookah? Have you eaten durian or the Filipino delicacy, balut? Think it's unhealthy? Do you know it's unhealthy? Look it up.
14. Push the limits of your body. By using your body in new ways, you can learn more about yourself, and expand your mind. Learn to do a handstand. A backflip. A kip-up. Take martial arts classes. Try some Hip-Hop classes or learn a break dance move. Can you touch your toes? Work on it. Try skiing, snowboarding, jet skiing, Hang gliding, parasailing, surfing, and anything else that pushes the limits of your comfort zone!
15. Attend churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, trade union meetings, places of worship and meditation that you never have. Read about and learn how to recognize cults or cult-like behavior and avoid them!
16. Learn How to Spin a Pencil Around Your Thumb, solve a Rubik's Cube, or try Cup Stacking. Don't know what these are? Look them up. Learn!
17. Face your fears! Are you computer-illiterate? Putz around on a computer for a while. Don't be scared. You won't break anything. Learn a programming language. Nothing is as hard as anyone makes it out to be. Build your own computer. Think it's hard? You'll never know until you actually do it. It's somewhat ridiculous how many HowTo's there are on building a computer.
18. Learn to juggle. A great workout for your brain, eyes and reflexes. Are three balls too easy? Try four, or better yet, five. If you get extremely good, try 10! 20! 50! Think it's impossible? Keep an open mind. Just Try Try Try! Contact Juggling for a different challenge.
19. Open your mind to other political or religious points of view. You may find it hard to stomach at first, but in time you might find a grain of truth in what your nemesis has to say. Even if you don't, you'll be able to argue with one of "them" much more intelligently. Here's a hard but effective method: take a controversial issue that you have a strong opinion about. Write an essay defending your opinion with as much evidence and actual citations as possible. Then write another essay defending the other side, again with evidence and citations, considering that side's arguments seriously and being scrupulously honest and putting in as much effort as you did the first essay.
20. Try blocking out one of your senses. Do everyday things, like cleaning up your room or using your cell phone, with a blindfold. It puts things in perspective when you are forced to "create" new ways of doing things you've already figured how to do. You could also try using a different part of your body to do things, like write with your teeth or type with your toes.
21. Play strategy games like Bridge, Checkers, Chess, Shogi and Go! It's the poetry of the mind!
22. Travel - becoming an outsider really exposes a mind to new things. You can even do this travel inside your country or state! How well do you know your own city? Have you tried using only a bike, or only using your own two feet and public transportation? (Ever considered what it's like if that was the only means to get around, say if you were physically unable to drive around? Being a pedestrian once in a while will make you a better driver.) Go off the beaten path!
23. Learn to read and write any language that you don't know. Here are a few ideas: Portuguese, Spanish, German, Arabic, Aramaic, Mandarin, Maltese, Cantonese, Russian, Latin, Welsh and Dutch.
24. Learn to count in a different numeral base than the one you're used to (chances are you're using decimal), use binary (base 2), octal (base 8), duodecimal (base 12),hexadecimal (base 16), vigesimal (base 20 used in mayan numerals) or another numeral system when you start getting familiar with basic operations, try converting from one system to another. Next step is mixing different systems in a single operation. For added fun do the next advice and throw some of that in this (one day you might be able to multiply rot13 encoded hexadecimal by xor'ed vigesimal.
25. Learn classical cipher schemes and algorithms.
26. Give some thought to the mysteries of the world. Which came first: the chicken or the egg? Or think about places like the Bermuda Triangle: why do so many people disappear? Check out books and sites on these strange topics.
27. Search for something on Wikipedia, read the page then click on one of the links on the page you find interesting, read that page and carry on and on, eventually you'll have come across loads of new information and it gets you interested in loads of subjects.

some Tips

* Be thrifty. Yeah, building a trebuchet is a $200+ project, so go for the Legos instead, Build-a-Lego-Trebuchet. If the university is $400 per credit, try a smaller college or community-based program where less money is charged for a similar experience.
* Remember that "the perfect student is one who always stumbles but never falls." Don't give up! The Rubik's Cube probably looks somewhat impossible until you've solved the white cross. Go for it.
* Every decision you make in life is based on your belief system. To open your mind, start to list your fundamental beliefs, and for each one ask yourself why you believe it. Then ask yourself whether you could imagine being you if you didn't exactly believe it any more, but believed something marginally different. Then marginally different from that. Pick a belief a week and work at it. Ask some really good friends what they believe and how they acquired their beliefs. Understand this - your belief system is absolutely unique to you. Your friend's belief system is unique to them. An open mind is comfortable with differences, and also a variety of lenses to view an issue.
* Try to become more like an inquisitive child. Try to see everything as if it's the first time, and try to think about it in new ways. Think you know what a brick is? Really? What are they made of, exactly? How heavy is the average brick? How many different types of laying a brick wall are there? Is it possible to lay a cheese brick wall, using cheddar for bricks, and cream cheese for mortar?!