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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Way to Be a Supporting and Loving Stepparent #1

Whether you are a parent yourself or not, the new waters can be difficult, so put on a life vest. Know who you are and where your strengths and weaknesses lie.
Please Following this steps:
1. Realize that there is no manual for building onto an already existing family; we all carry some sadness for what is no longer there. Children and adults carry those burdens differently. Finding your place in the new family is the thread that holds together the life vest.
2. Determine what keeps you grounded. Where do you find solace? If this is something you've never asked yourself, or you don't know, it's absolutely essential to do that soul searching. Because in the most trying of family times you need to find your own strength.
3. Read any material on step-parenting, but remember to find your own style. Help is always available if you seek it out. Many religious groups offer guidance, and individual or family counseling can be helpful, as well. Sometimes all you need is a safe place to air your feelings. This is best done with a trusting and compassionate friend.
4. Apologize when necessary. Always honor your partner and the bond with the children, just as you honor the bond you have with yours.

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