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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Way to Forget a Bad Memory

Everyone has bad memories that trouble them, but luckily there is a way to forget them, or at least decrease their mental significance.
This is the steps
1. Sit down in a comfortable chair and close your eyes.
2. Imagine an ocean image, 3D images of the ocean are great. Try to make it into a sunset, it helps.
3. Act as if its your virtual world and you have your own friends. Look for a person you like (again make sure they look three dimesionial) play with them all day.
4. Try this, it will keep your mind off the memories you hate and will keep you busy and fun.

Some tips
* It is better if you lay down on a bed or a sofa. It doesn't matter if you fall asleep, it is relaxing and you get to play in your virtual world all day!
* You can try to swim in the ocean, it is twice the fun.
* Having relaxing background music especially of waves would make the experience more real and enjoyable
* It does not have to be an ocean-try a relaxing walk through the woods and imagine all the beautiful flowers and birds-use your imagination!
* Remember to use your senses if you want full benefits-feel the waves, breath the ocean air, see the ocean and friend in full detail, hear the sea gulls.

* If some memories keep on popping out, relax and force them out, not too hard.
* Do this in your spare time because you can fall asleep.

You need this
* A quiet, comfortable place.
* A good imagination.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Survive a Negative Friend #2

* Be funny and help them to laugh.
* Allow them a bit of time to be negative - maybe that is all they need to feel better and more relaxed.
* Talk about mutual interests, and avoid sore subjects.
* Do things that keep conversation to a minimum, like going to a movie or taking a guided tour.
* If they are having big problems, you can suggest that they see a doctor, counselor, minister, call a mental health hotline, etc.

* Don't allow yourself to get drawn into the negativity.
* Don't go overboard with the compliments.
* Don't pester the friend.
* Don't assume the friend does not have a good reason to feel bad.
* Don't suddenly drop the friend because that will put him/her into even more of a negative emotional state.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Survive a Negative Friend #1

A deep inside look on surviving the nagging, boring, and annoying behaviors of a negative friend. Tips, warnings, and some hard-core steps made just for you. Because, of course, you are a great friend! Why else would you go here?
Try this steps
1. When your friend begins to complain, don't interrupt. Just listen and tell the friend if you agree or do not agree.
2. Keep their esteem way high, compliment them daily, and make sure to spread the cheer to others.
3. Encourage the friend and really tell them where their strengths are
4. Do cool stuff yourself and show them how fun it is to get involved and not complain about stuff. Chances are, they'll join you.
5. Ask about their life; they are probably negative because their life sucks. If it's real bad, advise them to a therapist in the area- they'll offer professional advice and listen!
6. Don't be too peppy. A little can be nice here and there, but when it's over the top it's really off putting.

There is a tips for You
* Be nice and complimentary.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The way to Become Friends With the Guys That Hate You

Is there a group of guys in your school that you'd like to be friends with, even though they dislike you? You can make it happen.
Try this steps
1. Stop insulting them; they absolutely hate that.
2. Stop talking, but not completely, if you insult them.
3. When you do talk compliment them, make conversation like saying, "What did you get on the test?", "Cool shirt" or "Who's your favorite band", etc.
4. Talk to them on a regular basis, get help from them on something that they're good at.
5. Eventually they will come around. Trust me, I've done this many times and always works for me.

Some tips for You
* Don't look like a huge flirt.
* Be nice; even though it might be hard you can do it.
* Even if they make fun of you, don't crack.
* Don't change yourself,just be yourself

* You might end up liking them.
* If it's a boyfriend's guy friend, don't spend too much time together or you'll get hooked.
* You might prove yourself wrong and they might be really cool guys.
* If the guy hates you because he's around you too much like if your parents are good friends or something, you might want to lay off.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Way to Know if Someone Is Talking About You Behind Your Back

Is she talking behind your back? How would you know? Why are all these rumors popping up around you? Don't let these rumors harass you. Find out who started them. The steps below are some of the ways to find out if someone is talking behind your back.
Try this steps
1. Note if they are constantly whispering to other people, and when you come they abruptly turn back. This is the most obvious sign.
2. Find out if they are suddenly asking more personal questions behind your back.
3. Watch for signs of distancing. If they used to be your friend, they are now isolating themselves away from you.

Some tips for you
* Ask a friend if he/she could be a "spy" for them. Unless the person you think is talking about you knows you are friends, you could hide close by while your friend walks up to them and says "So, ugh, what do you think of (your name)?" and then listen to their reply. If they laugh, they are probably talking about you behind your back, or think your friend is weird.

* Be careful not to tell them in their face, what if they aren't the ones that said you kissed so-and-so?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Way to Stop Your Friends Fighting

When your best friends get into a fight, you may get pulled into it. If you would like to know how to make this fighting stop, please continue reading for some suggestions.
This is the steps

1. Find out all of your friends who are included in the fight. Make sure that you know who did what and the main points of why the fighting is occurring. Ask other classmates/peers if they know any more details on this matter.
2. Explain to all of your friends involved in the fight that you're not planning to take a side. Let them know that you're only there to help and do not want to get dragged into this. Make sure not to skip this step, otherwise it will cause further problems along the road.
3. Listen to all of your friends. Try to find out the reason why they're fighting with one another from their point of view. Be a good listener, and try to support their opinion of the fight.
4. Make sure that the story of the fight is the same from each of your friends. Try to get the most accurate facts that you can on what had happened. Make sure not to mix your friend's opinions with what actually took place in this fight.
5. Attempt to gather all of your friends involved with the fight into one place where your voice can be heard. Explain to them the facts that you heard about the fight, and ask all of them if this is what really happen. Make sure to listen to them all again if they think something in your facts is inaccurate.
6. Let your friends know that you don't want this fight to ruin all of your friendship. Tell them that they should try their best to make up and sort this all out. On the other hand, you could also try to start all over with your friendship. Try to erase this incident from their minds by pretending it never happened.
Some tips for you
* Try to get all of your friends to speak their minds. Let them know that their opinions need to be heard if they want this fight to be resolved.
* Sometimes friends don't want to continue being friends anymore if the fight was a really bad one. Don't pressure your friends to continue being friends with the others involved in the fight if they feel uncomfortable or unsafe around them.
* Don't try to pick one friend to agree with. This could cause your other friend to get very mad at you, possibly resulting in losing a friendship.
* Don't spread what happened with your group of friends around the school. If your friends find out that you're spreading rumors about their argument, you may have lost all of your friends.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Get Your Friend to Leave His Girlfriend #2

13. When he comes back from the phone call, hug him (if you are a girl) or do a dudely handshake (if you are a man insecure with your masculinity) and tell him you love him.
14. Continue the night and then let him go home. Make sure his roommates go with him.
15. When he is back at his apartment, have his best friend lay it all out.
16. Let time work its magic on the selfish, annoying sorority girl.
This is some tips
* Don't give up.
* Make sure the girlfriend knows you don't care about her.
* Talk about how much it rocks to be single.
* While doing the above don't be too mean but straight forward to the point.
* HINT: If you REALLY want him to give her the boot; avoid all these rules and flirt with her yourself. If her personality is that horrible, chances are she's shallow enough to cheat on him. Just make sure you're other guy friends are aware of your malicious plan, so when it all comes crashing down, you're not blamed for really trying to steal her away.

* Don't set your friends up with chicks, it most likely will turn out badly.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Get Your Friend to Leave His Girlfriend #1

Does your friend have an annoying girlfriend that you think he should get rid of? Implement this plan...he'll be thanking you eventually.
1. Stop talking to the girl. When you are hanging out, don't acknowledge that she is even in the room.
2. No matter how many times she tries to talk to you, or asks others to talk to you about not talking to her... don't give in.
3. Don't be mean, but stand your immature ground and make sure everyone knows how you feel.
4. Make sure the majority of the guy's friends are on your side -- you want to know that your cause is not worthless or unjustified.
5. Get a few drinks in you (if you are of age) and take the guy out with a huge group of his friends.
6. Tell him you miss him. Tell him about how you miss how fun he used to be and how much fun you used to have. Make sure others agree.
7. Come up with some slogan for him that everyone yells in unison. This will boost his confidence and show him that everyone loves him so much.
8. Break the news that his girlfriend sucks. Tell him why -- give at least 5 reasons. If you don't have 5 or more, she really might not be that bad.
9. Tell him (make sure a group is there) that everyone feels the same way and they just haven't said anything.
10. Have him drink more (again, only if of age).
11. When his girlfriend calls later in the night, make sure he tells her that he is not ready to leave.
12. Have one friend stay with him for support (aka: telling him he is not ready to leave... and is on standby to yank the phone away if he (the victim) says he is).

Monday, September 15, 2008

Get Revenge on an Ex Friend

Sometimes people just get on your bad side. It is kind of unavoidable really...but revenge isn't. If you would like to get revenge in a manner that will have your ex friend get the picture without causing damage, check out this page.
1. Do some writing. Write a list of all the horrible things that he/she had done to you or your other friends.
2. Type the list and title it "Your Life". (Or an alternate title such as "Lies of the Present".) Customize the title to your liking.
3. Grab some tape! Tape the list to their locker, door, car door, backpack, desk, window, or any other place where they will see it. (If it is winter, don't put it outside, it will get all full of snow. But that's a no brainer!)
4. Casually hint them toward the list. If the list is on their locker you could say "Oh, yeah Beth, I almost forgot! My purse is in your locker! Can you go get it?" and hopefully, she will agree and go and get it, only to find a list of her treachery on her door.
5. Talk about the list. Explain what it is and what it means. Say that it represents your "friendship".
Following this Tips
* Don't pick a font that is crazy and unreadable. Times New Roman, pt 12. is fine.
* Don't include pictures.
* Sign the paper to "personalize" it.
* This kind of revenge is still revenge, keep in mind, so it may not be the way you want to go.
* Remember that revenge is usually not the first way to go, so think about if there's any other way to fix a problem before you resort to revenge.
* With new post 9/11 laws, you could be arrested for stalking and/or harassment if you are not careful with your revenge. If you do something dastardly, you could even be reported to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for domestic terrorism.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Decide Whether or Not to End a Friendship After a Fight

Most people believe that every friendship will need to endure a problem at some point or another. But while some problems are forgivable and will even serve to strengthen the friendship when they're over, others are simply deal-breakers, and you have to sever the relationship, even if it's painful. How do you decide which is which?
This is the Steps
1. Assess the cause. Why did you fight? Was it your fault, or your friend's fault that the matter escalated this far? Was it necessary, or was the fight over-blown? Assessing the truth about why you fought is going to be key to deciding whether or not the friendship can or should be saved.
2. Pinpoint the issue. What makes you think this is a deal-breaker? Did you fight over religion, politics? Those differences can make for heated debates - very interesting most times, if you have the stomach for them - but rarely should be cause for ending the friendship. Did you fight over a boy/girl? Again, boy/girlfriends may come and go, but your friend should outlast any of them, if your friendship is true. And there may be the crux of the matter - is your friendship true? Did you fight because your friend breached your trust, broke a promise, or committed a crime? These are serious problems, and must be carefully considered.
3. Seek counsel. Ask a trusted relative or friend - someone who is not a mutual friend, who will not spread what you say around your circle of friends. Be as objective as possible when explaining the circumstances, and ask for an unbiased opinion. Talking over your problem with a friend, a therapist, or a clergy member may really help you come to a good decision as to how best to handle the situation. But beware - if you tell someone you both know, this may spread like wildfire, and then you may not be in the driver's seat about ending it any more. You and your friend have already had a fight bad enough for you to consider whether or not the friendship can survive. Don't complicate things by running your mouth to people you both know - talk to someone outside your circle.
4. Weigh the benefits and detriments. If you decide to end this friendship, would your life be better in the end? How? Or would it be worse? Imagine your life without this person in it. Think about the fact that mutual friends would most likely divide between the two of you, with some remaining loyal to you, and some remaining loyal to your former friend. How will that affect you?
5. Consider whether either of you have had this sort of experience before. Have either you or your friend had this kind of blowout before? If your answer is yes, this fight may be part of a larger pattern for one of you. Look honestly at your own past - have you ever had a fight and then written a friend off afterward? If you have, try to break your old pattern by examining your own sensitivities. If you consult with other trusted friends or family members, they may verify or dismiss the notion that this may be a pattern with you. If your friend has told you of past such blowouts, think about that friend hard. Does s/he have many - or any - friends of long standing? People who have few long-term friends may develop a pattern of discarding friendships after a certain amount of time, or more crucially, after a certain level of intimacy or closeness develops. This is a defense, or guarding mechanism, and you may not be able to get past it.
6. Be sure you make your decision for the right reasons. Being angry with someone is not, of itself, reason enough to end a real friendship. Having your feelings hurt is not, of itself, reason enough either. These are the kinds of ups and downs that friendships, like sibling relationships, can endure if the two of you are willing to fight past your hurt and indignance - if you can do this and come together, talk things out, and come to resolution, your friendship can sail through these rough waters, and come out stronger than before, having been tested. But if your fight was over a serious, fundamental value difference, then your decision to end it may be the best for both of you. If, for example, your argument was over whether or not to call the cops on your friend's cousin for breaking into the house of a neighbor of yours, you may have an insurmountable problem. If you want to call the police, but your friend wants to protect her cousin, then you have a basic value difference: to you, wrong is wrong, no matter who it is. To your friend, blood is thicker than water, and family loyalty trumps legal and moral considerations. This is a problem that you may not be able to solve with discussion. If this is the case, you may have to part ways here.
7. Decide once and for all. Know that if you decide to end this friendship, there is probably no going back. If you end the friendship, try not to end it on the bitterest possible note. Dig deep inside yourself and be as kind as possible when you inform your soon-to-be ex-friend of your decision. If you're ending this over your friend wanting to protect a family member from possible criminal prosecution, you may not be able to achieve this. Chances are, you will go ahead and report the cousin (as you should), and your ex-friend will know it is you at the root of your cousin's impending incarceration. Once done, it is possible your friend will be relieved and come to you, saying s/he is glad it is over and bears you no ill will - this friendship can be saved. It's possible that your friend couldn't bring him or herself to report the cousin, but it's okay with your friend if you decided to be the "bad guy." But if it really is unsalvageable, try to say your goodbyes as nicely as you can: "Well, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. Unfortunately, I feel like this argument has been too hard on the relationship, and I don't think I will be able to just let it go and resume our friendship. I think I need, at minimum, a break. And honestly, after the way this fight played out, I feel I might never be able to go back. Let's say goodbye for now, and if we end up meeting again, maybe we can start fresh." When you close the door, let that be the end of it.
8. Don't badmouth that person. Take the high road, no matter what. Don't say bad things about that person, and don't listen to anything bad about him or her, either. Just say, "We had our differences and I moved on. I don't want to discuss it, or anything about him or her, okay?" Saying bad things, or encouraging bad gossip just keeps things churning. Let it end. Your real friends will be able to discern what is true about you, and what is just angry ranting.

* Ending a friendship is a loss. It can feel like you've experienced a death. Give yourself time to get over it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

End a Fight With a Friend #2

This some Tips for you
* Its always better to let the argument simmer a little before confronting the person. If talk right after the fight, many things are said out of anger.
* Allowing bad feelings to brew for too long creates a situation that becomes more difficult to make up. So after the fight calms down, make sure you talk to the person before its too late.
* Its okay to be the first to give in and apologize. The other person probably wants to do it too, but it shows your courageous and a dedicated friend. Yet, if you're constantly in fights and always making up first, then take time to reconsider if this person is really a friend.
* If what you did to your friend was too hurtful it's better to just let that person cool down first or else you might just get yelled at with the reason why your friend got angry at you. So just say sorry after a few days so that the damage you made wouldn't be so fresh at to get that person more irritated at you.
* If the friend(s) are unforgiving then try to look back and see what you could have done. Read past emails, chats ect. This will help you understand thier point of view.
* When the disagreement was too hurtful, if your words or actions were too damaging, a friend might just not want to make up with you.
* If you had been disloyal, and did not reveal your true desire to continue a friendship, then think it over, and never say or do these things again.
* Avoid accusing the friend, if you accuse them it gives them more reason to fight back.
* True friends are hard to find and keep. Remember this. You will meet many friends in life, but only perhaps one will be true and sincere.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

End a Fight With a Friend #1

Sometimes we have a fight with a friend. Many times, you find that you even forgot what the fight was about. You just seemed to argue, and then stop talking to each other. Time goes by and you realize that you miss the friendship, and wished you could talk to your friend again. It is possible, and they probably feel the same way as you do. Someone has to take the initiative, and it might as well be you!
This is the Steps
1. Find out what the root issue is. Why did you have the fight?
2. Call your friend at a time that you feel they won't be tired, or too busy to talk.
3. Explain that you miss them and their friendship. Make sure you sound sincere and wait a few minutes to hear their response.
4. Reply to what they say, and how they feel. If they tell you that they were hurt by your actions, or your words, apologize.
5. Explain that at that moment, you did not realize how your words or actions had hurt them.
6. Respond by telling them, that you also were hurt by their attitude. That you felt betrayed or used.
7. Each of you, sincerely and honestly explain your feelings, and each of you listen to each other. They were hurt, and you were hurt. It takes two to argue, and it takes two to make up.
8. Talk until you each have said all you had to say. Get everything out, and then ask them to meet you for coffee, or a drink, or a walk.
9. Listen to how they react to meeting with you. If they are happy, and agree, then you have made up with your friend. However, expect that if they had been so completely hurt by the incident that caused the breakup, they might not agree to meet.
10. Consider this and understand that you had lost your friend and friendship.
11. Learn from the lesson that caused this breakup, and go on to making new friends.

and if they call you names or threatin to throw stuff at you just say how you feel then leave

Monday, September 8, 2008

Deal With a Jealous Person #2

* Empowering them is a good way to diffuse their jealousy, but only do this for those people you feel are worthy of your time and energy. Ignore the others.
* Their jealousy is a mask for insecurity. Once you recognize there's nothing behind the veneer, you'll be fine.
* You have the right as a person to be in a stable healthy relationships. Choose to do so
* Jealous people will try to bring you down to their level. Don't let them. You don't have to be in a abusive relationship with anyone!
* If your mate is always jealous for no reason, accusing you of false affairs or activities, than you may be in trouble. Extreme jealousy can lead to very dangerous behavior. If you are not sure if your mate or date is mentally stable-be very careful. Stay safe and protect yourself. Don't make fun of them just reassure them that you care about them. Consider getting out of the relationship slowly and over time.
* Someone acting jealous does not mean they care about you. It means they have self esteem problems or can not except the end of the relationship.
* If you feel extreme jealousy and want to hurt the person or their belongings. Stop! Understand that your pain will stop over time and you will deeply regret any violence you have done. You need to reach out and talk to someone even if it is embarrassing. The person that you will feel jealous over has changed or moved on with their life. Ask yourself why? Try to "vent" out your strong feelings in writing as well just don't take actions towards the person.
* You have the right to end any conversation with a person who puts you down or is nasty in anyway.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Deal With a Jealous Person #1

Whether you're dealing with a jealous acquaintance, relative, friend, mate or even a stranger, here's some step-by-step advice on how to respond. Also some tips to help you if you are feeling jealous as well.
1. Put yourself in the other person's shoes and understand the reasons behind his or her feelings. Jealousy often stems from insecurity or a sense of deep loss.
2. Offer encouragement and praise when something goes right for your friend, but whatever you do, don't hide your happiness for what is going right in your life. A true friend supports at all times and should be happy for your accomplishments.
3. Try to help the other person get what they are wishing to have. Give them helpful advice and suggestions.
4. Try not to say things that would make the person jealous. Don't have any big upset reaction to their jealousy because sometimes it feeds it. Stay calm and look them in the eye.
5. Look before you get involved with a very jealous person in a romantic relationship. If it is uncomfortable in any way-get out of the relationship at once. There are signs to watch for and it can be a big problem for you in the future. If they don't want you to have other friends-be careful. It is healthy and necessary for people to make friends, be comfortable around other people and make decisions based on your feelings or your judgement.
6. Realize that jealousy can be the root of many evil behaviors/ painful thoughts and even ruin a person. Everyone can feel jealous once in awhile but if it is always present and bothering you should seek help immediately. If you feel like you are doing strange, out of character things: spying, going through a person's things, waiting in your car at their work,etc. than you might be in the state of "romantic jealousy". It can be agony and you need to talk to someone about your problem.
7. Listen to the little voice inside of you. If it tells you to avoid, be afraid or scared of a person-listen to it.
This is the Tips
* You might be a fun, beautiful, gregarious person that people are jealous of. Too bad. Let them. You won't serve yourself any better by catering to their hate.
* When someone is envious of you, it means that you have something they want. If you want to help them and they seem nice and worth the effort, offer to tell them where you got that shirt or those shoes. Tell them how you stay positive.

Friday, September 5, 2008

How to Deal With Frienemies

Have you ever had an enemy you used to call a friend? If you do, this guide will help you deal with the aggravations that come from their behavior.
following this Steps
1. Ignore the person if they make you or make fun of you. Make sure you give eye contact briefly, though, as this usually makes them think better of what they're doing.
2. Boost your self-confidence. If you can walk with your head high, unaffected by their comments, they will stop commenting. You won't seem wounded by the names, so you'll just be another one of those kids to him.
3. Keep your temper; stay above their level of juvenile jests and jeers. You will feel better being the "bigger person."
4. Enjoy yourself with your current friends. They can provide support and defend you in times of need.

This is Tips for you
* Ignoring your "frienemy" may be hard, but it gets easier as time goes on.
* Stand up for your friends, as they will come in handy later on.
Remember !!
* Never begin a fight, call them names, or show signs of aggression. The last thing you want is to go home with a black eye and bloody nose.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Be in Good Health

Many people do not care about their health and are busy working and are taking calories in excess.The rate of obesity has risen due to the intake of sweets,chocolate and many food containing loads of fats.
Many precaution should be taken concerning the younger generation. With the advanced of technology, scientist have surely find ways to be slim and not to feel different from others. Many chemical solutions have been produced and sold on the World Market but not one doubt of further circumstances. Physical exercises also help the proper functioning of our heart. We have swimming,running slowly,walking fast not in a vigorous way and many sports activity. Many people think that sport is good for health. It's true that sport is good but the problem is that if we do not know how to practice it in the convenient manner it can be fatal to our health. We should do things according to our capacity. Human body has a limited capacity and we should all respect it. Consuming drugs to enforced our capacity is not efficient for our health in the long run even death can occur at the wrong time.
Some tips for you:
* Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables containing lots fibers.
* Have at least eight hour sleeping each day.
* At least fifteen minutes of exercise.
* A balanced diet is required.
* Breakfast plays a vital role in your health
* Use herbal product (vegetable) rather than product containing lots of chemical substances.
* Avoid smoking and drinking alcoholic drinks
* Drink one glass of water as you wake up every morning

Time to Identify Bad Friends

There are the types of friends that are messy. They like to engage in gossip and bring your name into the conversation without your authorization. This might be because they want to make you look bad or to cover themselves.
1. Assets. They will also use you because you have assets like a car, your own apt./home, make lots of money, have vacation property, to get close to your bf or brother. They will eat up your house and home and even use your beauty products. But when you confront them, they become angry. They disrespect you and your belongings. You may also notice borrowing become an issue. They borrow money and never pay you back. Borrow your clothes, property, and never give it. Return it damaged. Let other people use/wear your belongings. They may also ask for a favor but can never return a favor.
2. "It's all about me" type of friends. They always talks about themselves. Also, they could care a less about you... your day, how your feeling, etc. You may also notice that they brag a lot. Whether it be about themselves, materialistic possessions, boyfriend, getting married, or a vacation, they always find something to make them sound better than you. Seems to always have an opinion about everything. An opinion is a person's ideas and thoughts towards something. It is an assessment, judgment or evaluation of something. An egocentric person has no theory of mind, cannot "put himself in other people's shoes," and believes everyone sees what he sees (or that what he sees in some way exceeds what others see. It appears that this is shown mostly in younger children. They are unable to separate their own beliefs, thoughts and ideas from others.
3. Poor me. Always come to you when they have problems for advice, but when you need to vent or advice they're very short with you. So not fair when you don't mind spending two hours plus to cool them down; instead for you it's like five minutes. You're not a therapist. They may also stay mad at you when you two are in a fight. This is because they can only see their point of view.
4. Clingy. Can't share you with other people. When they do see you with other people, they're jealous because they want you all to themselves. Can't include you to see a movie with their boyfriend/girlfriend. Spends lots of time with them, and when their other half is busy they want you all the time. They will ditch you for them if they come around.
5. Fake. Smiles in your face, but when around other people, make you feel small by continuously putting you down verbally. They may also do things such as drugs and deny it. They might promise to call you back, but never do. Always keeps you waiting. Always make excuses as to why they didn't call you.
6. Never acknowledges your ethnicity/culture. Considers you something else, and think it's alright to insult you heritage by using derogatory slang words around you knowing it offends you. Doesn't accept you for you for all that you are.

This is Tips for You:

* Don't set too many expectations and rules. That's just trapping others in your dimension.
* Allowing your friendship to evolve and change naturally is really best - it allows your friend to be as unique and individual as you are, and for both of you to enjoy one another in that light.
* If someone is in any difficulty and he/she's behave very hurtful to you, then don't be angry and try to understand their problems.