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Saturday, June 7, 2008

How to Be a Party Girl #1

Promiscuous women all want to be attention-whoring party girls. It not only takes networking but also good looks to generate the party girl image. Keep reading on tips on how to improve your party girl status.

Try this steps

1. "Love" everybody, don't actually care about anybody! Make many fake friends everywhere you go!!! Exchange numbers and business cards.

2. Associate with those in the VIP or who seem well connected.

3. Find out who the owners and managers of the bar or nightclub are, get introduced by mutual friends. Buy them shots (good ones and not sorority shots). Also do the same for the bartenders.

4. Appear available without actually being available. You don't want to lose your status by socializing with the wrong men.

5. Pose for pictures being taken by your or your friends cameras but avoid photographic evidence taken by others, especially the bar's PR person. Play hard to get and insist on approval of any picture taken.

6. Do your hair and make up tastefully. Don't look too fake or slutty unless the occasion calls for it and you already have your party girl status. Having it gives you latitude on sick days and holidays.

7. Change your hair styles. It's OK to spend time on your hair but the real party girls look ready for the party without looking like they've tried too hard.

8. Don't dress in a tasteless way. Really. You reputation could go from "cool party girl" to "easy girl". Even though ALL party girls want the life, no one wants the reputation of a whore. Jeans are almost always the best pick. A great heel is essential. Don't forget to accessorize. Skirts aren't really good for dancing.

9. Dance if you can do it well. Avoid dancing with random men or anyone who can damage your status. You're better off not dancing and partying at the bar than dancing with shady characters.

10. Find yourself a few friends to go with and a designated driver if you are planning on drinking.

11. Find a party, make sure you're welcome and maybe call around to see if you have some friends there.

12. Arrive fashionably late.

13. Always dress in line but not identical to your friends. If it's a more casual go-out night you should all be on the same page. You don't want anyone in a cocktail dress with everyone else in jeans.

14. Find the bar. A true party girl already has carnal knowledge of the bartenders and they should have your first drink ready before you even ask.

15. Know how to hold your booze. No one likes a sloppy drunk. (Be careful, pace yourself, know your limits, you can be tipsy or slightly drunk and still have lots of fun. Do not risk getting alcohol poisoning, which is very easy to do! Also you can be a great party girl without any alcohol.)

* Bartenders, bar and club staff can usually drink most people under the table. Use caution when they're buying. It can get ugly fast as they mix liquors that some may not be able to tolerate.

* Learn to dump shots or drink half shots.

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